Monday, February 20, 2006

Whew! My brain hurts!

Trying to figure things out can be overwhelming.... and it's easy to forget all the daily things I'm trying to practice when I'm busy or have company.

For several years I've only called myself pagan if someone asked what I followed. I always replied that if I had to be labeled I'd have to say 'pagan'. That just isn't true for me and hasn't been for quite a long time. I haven't been 'practicing' the religion and the more I thought about what I believed the less I felt that path was for me. The idea of what divinity is just boggles my mind. I do feel that there is an energy running throughout the universe that connects us all(something like the force in Star Wars). I've been trying to sort this out and it's just impossible. It's like trying to visualize a universe that nevers ends. It can short-circuit your brain!

The more I've thought about all this the more I've realized no one can prove any religion, belief system, atheism....etc is true or false. And I've realized that anything can be the truth... no one knows. So the wise choice is to follow what is most helpful to us. I believe Buddhism will be the right choice for me. I will not call myself Buddhist for quite some time though. For now I'm a student of Buddhism.

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