Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Keeping on track....

I'm trying not to beat myself up over slacking off with my practices. Not being consistent with meditation even though I feel calmer when I do. I also forget to do those daily practices such as observing my behaviour and judgments, etc. I've got all the Quiet Mind podcasts on CD in my car and since I spend at least 5 hours a week driving alone in my car it's an ideal time to listen to them again. It's easier to stay focused when I listen to them. I've also downloaded lots of Zencasts to listen to in the car. Right now I'm reading a Thich Nhat Hanh book about mindfulness and have a pile more of his books and others to read.

Two trips are coming up in the next few months and I'm letting myself be distracted by these as well as doing extra workouts and dieting in order to lose weight.

Going to meditate now.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A new meditation area

I've moved my meditation area to a different room and I've also made in the same room a quiet reading area for the books on Buddhism I've got waiting to be read, and the new ones I've ordered. I'll be away from the computer and the tv.