Monday, June 19, 2006

Been a bit off track.....

I've been letting other things come first when I shouldn't. I really have no excuse.....I don't even work full-time or have kids at home. My nature is undisciplined and I shouldn't condemn myself for it but it's hard not to. I've been busy with long hikes, guests, planning an upcoming holiday(s). But there really is no excuse not to meditate at least once a day. I feel better and more focused when I do. I enjoy meditating but sometimes I look at it like a chore...or more like something that will pull me away from the internet or tv.

Just need to get back on track. I've got a zillion podcasts to listen to, books to read...etc. Did some walking meditation with friends over the weekend and we all found it very calming. Will also have to find a way to meditate while on a 3 week holiday, even if not in the proper posture.