Friday, March 10, 2006

Something is working right!

Some of my reading and podcast reminders have found their way into my subconscious. Without even reminding myself I find myself stopping a judgmental or angry or arrogant thought or a nag in mid-air. And if I start to admonish myself for thinking negatively, that stops in mid-air as well.

As for lungs haven't been working this well in ages! The wee reminders to 'Breathe' are quite helpful.

Yesterday I had a training day - a situation that I've been conditioned to believe is always cause for panic. The possibility of being put on the spot in a classroom/meeting/crowded situation is a long held fear. How I got through 3 1/2 years of college is beyond me! Anyway, I took the great advice I've received through wise teachers (online and in books) and made myself take many slow deep breaths and not stop until the panic subsided. I tried to accept the fear and be mindful in the situation....the anticipation was the worst part of course. I remembered in one of the Quiet Mind podcasts that Robert said when we are stressed we desperately want the situation to change...and he kind of chuckled while saying this. These new attempts to cope didn't work 100% but it certainly put a new light on things and I was 'less panicky' than is the norm for me.

I remember a situation once that something/someone helped me cope with well. It was about 12 or 13 years ago and I had a job interview. Now, job interviews come second on my stress metre just after giving a speech. Big. Very big. I lived nearby so walked to the interview trying to talk myself out of the fear the whole time.

This was a university and the interview was held in a classroom. I was shown to a chair and 2 people arrived...then more people, and more people. I believe the total was 7 people (for a secretarial job FFS!). As each additional person entered the room my panic grew nearly out of control. I remember thinking 'I'm going to have a panic attack or be sick'. Something clicked, and I swear it was audible, and some voice inside me said 'OH NO YOU'RE NOT!!!'. And the panic stopped. During the interview I felt a normal amount of nervousness that anyone would have.


Hotboy said...

Hi! Ended up at the page with the moments of bliss on it. Very interesting indeed! You must be one of the fortunate creatures! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Hi! Have you heard of the Samye Ling? I was looking at the intro to zen weekend you were thinking about going to. The Samye Ling is a brilliant place to meditate and learn about that stuff. You should google it. Hotboy

tao1776 said...

try this breathing technique -
1) 2 deep in breaths; release in a rush like a deep sigh
2)breath in slowly to the count of seven
3) breath out slowly to the count of ten
4)do not breath for the count of seven
5) repeat.

This is a relaxing exercise