Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sigh.....this is soooooo bloody hard!

This challenge is just too big for me at this point. This person complains, whines, is venomously sarcastic, and totally self-centred. I've been ranting to my husband (who agrees but is better at remaining calm), and also ranting on the private area of a forum to friends. I rerun in my head what I'd like to say (scream!) to this person. I feel like shit! I've let this person make me feel like shit. As said in the anger podcasts - try to see why this person is always so angry, etc. They are probably in pain. Right. But she and her family are guests in my home and throw rubbish on the floor, leave dirty clothes everywhere, leave the bathroom a disaster, are too loud.....

Doing deep breathing and will re-listen to the anger podcasts.

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