Monday, April 03, 2006

Hyperactive mind!

Not condemning myself for this, but when I meditated this evening my mind would not quit! I would gently put the thoughts in a bubble and let them float away...but on the count of 2 another thought took its place. As far as I recall though, the thoughts were all sesshin, meditation, Buddhism related. Kept thinking about my first sesshin which will hopefully be in May....
'What if I have to cough or sneeze during meditation and disturb everyone?' 'What if I get uncomfortable and need to move during the meditation?' 'What if I drift off to sleep during the early morning meditation and fall over!?'

I've realized just how much this path has helped me in dealing with my client who is a compulsive talker. Today she told a long story, then started all over again with the same story. When she starts to be too much and I have the urge to think about taping her mouth shut, that thought is stopped almost immediately, w/o conscious effort.

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