Monday, October 02, 2006


I've quit an expat forum that I've been on for almost 5 years and it's sad because I made many friends there. I admit to being a net-aholic, especially forums. But I found I spent far too much time there, much of it unconstructive and simply a way to procrastinate. I could have been reading, meditating, doing constructive things. I didn't intend to join another forum but was tempted by a group of fellow members who had also quit (long story) and joined a new site. Trying to limit my time but will have to get tough and if I see I can't limit my time to something reasonable, I'll just have to quit.

Reading a book on Anger by Thich Nhat Hahn. It seems quite in depth...more than a simple self-help book. Anything by TNH is always brilliant.

1 comment:

The Geminean Power said...

Quite agree with you. Reading a brilliant book written by a brilliant author will make you brilliant too, in some way...